Welcome! I am not an inveterate blogger but I still try to post as often. On the side bar are subject posts, posts that have a common theme running. In the main body are random musings, but direct reflections of the happenings in my life. I cannot make masterpeieces out of every-day incidents, so you would find less of posts on inconsequential events. All said and done, I hope you enjoy reading :)

Saturday, July 10, 2004


"I posted my blog, that's fine. But who's gonna read it??"Yes, that's precisely the question. I have made it a point to spend about 45 minutes of my precious professional time on writing my blog. But this site, and no blogging site, for that matter does not claim to be maintaining a public directory of blogs, where you could search blogs by kyewords, or by spirit, or by the nationality of the poster. Instead, what you have to do is to pass on the URL of youre blog to your friends and hope with your fingers crossed that they read those blogs. Inevitably, you will end up incorporating elements from you private life into the blog and then who knows, the blog hogs the peace out of your life.

So, this model means that no stranger in the world would read my blogs, unless my blog appears on the "hot blogs of the day" list on blogger.com. I beg to argue that it should be the popularity of the blog, measured by the number of people who read it, and not the discretion of the site administrator that decides which blogs are to displayed to the blog-surfer. Cos if the bloger sys-ad has his way, he would be single-handedly responsible to stop me from becoming the greatest celebrity blogger in the world. I will take up that challenge pal!!!

My arguement fails if there is a great deal of literary quality associated with the blogs that make it to the featured blogs section. Its my honest opinion, that is not the case. I have been and will remain humble and unassuming all my life, except when I am under the internet cloud of anonymity.

So, bloggers of the world, do support me on my march towards a blogocracy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but then blogs r meant to be a reflection of ur feelings and they r meant to be an outlet to ur feelings.... sometimes these can be private to....

1:39 AM


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